Wednesday, October 26, 2011

HE is: Creator

So for the next 30 days I'm going to be doing a reading plan that is in my Bible called "30 Days of He Is." And it is basically 30 things that God is. I'm going to try to be on time and post everyday, but with my crazy work schedule it might not be every single day. :) However, the first one is He is Creator.

Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

I think that this first verse of the Bible is the easiest one to forget. I forget it all the time. When I get frustrated or angry. How many times do we complain about the weather? Or the temperature outside? How often do we get frustrated with other people? I know that I do all the time! I found myself today driving home and thinking about something that someone said to me days ago and getting angry and agitated all over again even though the situation had passed and it was all over. I found myself getting upset with this individual all over again. How easy it was for me to forget that God created that person just like He created me. He knows everything about her, and everything about me. This devotion reminded me that every person is created by God and we should love them because He made them. Luke 12:7 says that God knows the number of hairs on my head. And I know that He knows what is in my heart and every thought that runs through my brain. So the next time I start to get angry with someone, or I choose to think things that I shouldn't...I'm going to remember that God had a hand in it.

"God saw all that He had made, and it was very good." Genesis 1:31

Monday, September 26, 2011

Facts of Life

Here are some things that I have learned in the past several months, and probably years.

1. If you wear your glasses with your contacts you will get a migraine easily.
2. Getting up at 3:15AM to go to work sucks.
3. Stay away from people in your past, there's a reason they didn't make it into your future.
4. YOU are the only person who can choose your family, and if people get angry about your choices, that's their loss, not yours.
5. When you get a new phone number, make sure that everyone important gets it!! (ex: the place where you just bought your new car)
6. Pick and choose your battles. One small battle is not worth an agonizing war.
7. "Friends" are the ones that are there no matter what...not just when it is right for them.
8. There are no such thing as "quick" decisions.
9. High school was the easiest 4 years of my life...being an adult sucks 90% of the time.
10. Life is not fair, but God is just and merciful and will always be there to help and guide you. All we have to do is open up our eyes and watch and listen. He's there in ALL situations, and His victorious right hand watches over us all the time. There's no need to be anxious and upset about things that you cannot change. Just breathe, and let God be the one who guides your thoughts and your actions and things can only go well in the long run.

Monday, September 19, 2011

And this has got to STOP

So tonight I made the first step in what I believe will change my life forever. I filled out my patient evaluation information for Bariatric Surgery. I have thought about it and talked about it a lot and I have decided that this is one thing that I want to do to get my life back. I am calling tomorrow to make an appointment for my consultation. I've already filled out the paperwork for the evaluation and I'm going to do this. Please pray for me as I continue down this road. This is what I need to do.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Philippians 4:6

"Do not be anxious in anything, but with prayer and petition, in thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

I find myself in an abyss of feelings and thoughts and emotions. Trying to figure out what is best. I throw myself a little pity party daily about the "pause" my life is on. One way I turn, I have Friend #1 so successful and running a business and happy with his life. Friend #2 is married with a beautiful baby and has a job she loves. Friend #3 is happily married with her husband and doesn't have to work so she can go to school full time. Oh and then there's Friend #4 who is engaged to an amazing guy and is getting ready to have a dream wedding. Ugh...I could go on and on but I know it's not beneficial to me to complain and sulk in pity.

I was talking to a good friend yesterday and she reminded me of this verse about not being anxious about anything, but just pray. She said it like 5 times, "just pray." How often do we forget that we can't do anything about our current situations but pray and try our best. The rest is out of our hands. I have to remind myself daily that at the end of the day all I can do is lift up my hands and admit that I am nothing without the help of HIM. A song that has been in my head for weeks now is a song on Mandisa's new album "These Days". It's a fantastic song that reminds me that no matter what we always have what we need in Christ.

"These Days"

I never liked Mondays or bad news
Or breakin in new shoes
And mornings when I can't find my phone
Nobody likes traffic or short nights
Or situps or long flights
But sometimes that's just the way it goes
It's funny what you use to help me grow...

So I'll learn to love these days
Life along the way
In the middle of the crazy
God your love is so amazing
Through the ups and downs
You're the only hope I've found
The Lord you meet me in the madness

I'll learned to love these days
I'll learned to love these days

I can see a silver linin
When the sun's not shinin'
Even when you choose to bring the rain
Oh, but I'm trustin your leadin'
'Cause your Lord of all my joy and all my pain

So I'll learn to love these days
Life along the way
In the middle of the crazy
God, your love is so amazing
Through the ups and downs
You're the only hope I've found
The Lord you meet me in the madness

I'll learned to love these days
I'll learned to love these days

I could wait the hundred years
You gave me here the days when you near
The days when I was out there
Lookin for what comes next
Oh, cause every minute,every hour, everyday
Is such a gift and I can say
I'm thankful for each day

So I'll learn to love these days
Life along the way
In the middle of the crazy
God, your love is so amazing
Through the ups and downs
You're the only hope I've found
The Lord you meet me in the madness

So I'll learned to love these days
I'll learned to love these days
I'll learned to love these days
I'll learned to love these days

Monday, June 13, 2011


Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived a small subdivision with her Mom, Dad, and little brother. It just so happened that a little boy moved into the house behind her's with his Mom, Dad, and little brother. One day the little girl was playing in the back yard and she introduced herself to this little boy. From then on, this little boy and this little girl were very best friends and could not stand to be away from each other. The two of them started kindergarten together and learned so many things together and from each other. They would play in the backyard for hours and then have sleepovers filled with laughing and playing. They would swim and pretend like they were dolphins in the pool...or climb the tree and pretend like they were monkeys. They would make mud pies and play with little dinosaurs in them. They were best friends and nobody could take them away from each other.

One day, the little boy had very sad news that him and his family were moving to a house that was not right around the corner. The little girl couldn't stand this. She cried and cried...but they still went to school together and they still could see each it wasn't as bad as they both had thought. Well then the little girl got news that her and her family were moving...this time it wasn't just across was to a different town. A whole new world. What would she do without being able to see her best friend everyday? What would she do without having someone to call when she got lonely?

As much as they tried, they stayed in touch. Writing letters, and calling. Eventually emailing and texting. Life got busy...the 2 graduated from different high schools...but still always had a way of getting back to each other. The little boy went to Beauty School and did fabulous. He was an up and coming designer and was making it in the world. The little girl moved out of state to go to college and wanted to save the world one person at a time.

One day, after much heartache and tears, the little boy called the little girl once again with some amazing news. After a long time...the two are reunited and so happy for each other. Both realizing that the best friends are not the ones that you talk to everyday. The best friends are not the ones that you see everyday. The best friends are the ones that you call when life happens. You call your best friend when you can't stand up anymore and you need a shoulder. You call your best friend when you feel like the world is crashing down on you. You call your best friend when you have the best news in the world. You call your best friend when you just want them to know how grateful and blessed you are to have them.

This little girl and this little boy have come a long way. They are both becoming people that they never thought they could be. They are both learning things in life that they never dreamed they could've learned. They are living lives that they never thought they would live. And at the end of the day...they know that the other one is there when they need them.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Life is moving fast....

So once again I started over!! My job is going great! I love it and I love most of the clients that I'm working with. I will be happy when this week is over and most of my shadowing is done and I will be by myself. I do love my job though. :)

I got to babysit for my dear Kaylee Bug today :) She was so darn cute. I just love her and I'm glad that I have friends that trust me with their kids. I got to watch Clayton and Cole last weekend and take them to church with me. So stinking cute :) I just love them. Here are some not so good pictures of all of them.

Anyway, as life seems to be picking up I'm just amazed at the amount of love and support that I have found in my friends and "family" here. I just can't believe that I have so many people who love and care about me. It's just amazing that people can care that much. I'm always the person that gives my heart to people and its nice to be on the receiving end of the love this time :) Thank you to all who are so sweet and who are helping me get my life moving again. It's been a long way down and I think I've finally been caught and I'm on my way up again :)

Friday, June 3, 2011


So I am writing from my NEW laptop :) My parents helped me out and bought me a new one so that I have it for school. I think I've decided not to take summer classes because it was just such short notice, but I am officially going back to school in August :) I'm nervous/excited/scared/every emotion under the sun. haha. I know I'll be okay. I think it will help that I'm here and I have my parents to stay on me about it. As much as I never would have admitted it when I was in high school, they helped a lot. :) shhhh don't tell them that.

So I think that I'm finally getting used to being back here. I started my job this week. It's just boring right now with all of the training and job shadowing that I have to do for a while before they let me out on my own. I guess I just need to be patient. Pray that I'm able to step back and not pile everything on at once and get stressed out. Pray that I learn to take one step at a time and that there's no need to rush.

Well as for today, I'm just hanging out. I think it's supposed to rain. I'm loving all of this beautiful weather that we've had recently it's just been pretty hot. I hope that this isn't a preview of this summer. Yuck :(